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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.


RSE Day 2020 Thursday 25th June

The theme for RSE Day 2020 is ‘Books I love about love’


To celebrate RSE Day, Read On Nottingham, together with Nottingham City Libraries, has created special book lists featuring books we love about love! These have been shared through the National Literacy Trust website. 


The National Literacy Trust say: "We have selected inspiring stories, novels and non-fiction books, which are suitable for children and young people from Early Years to young adult. As a parent, carer or teacher you can read some of the stories to your children or with them, chatting about the themes of love, trust, respect, resilience, co-operation and communication.

We hope you enjoy reading these thought provoking books which will develop love, kindness, understanding and empathy in children, young people and adults alike."


