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Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Building Effective Relationships Together (BERT) Award
We are proud to announce that we have achieved the Bronze BERT Award. Part of the work towards the award has been further developing our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) provision, further developing positive relationships in the school community and reducing stigma around asking for help and support on sensitive issues, such as puberty, body image and online friendships. We feel very strongly that when children have good friendships and connections with others, it supports their safety, mental health and wellbeing. This then has a positive impact on their ability to take part in lessons and to achieve well in their learning.
PSHE Matters Unit Coverage
PSHE Matters Progression Grids
RSE Primary School Guide for Parents
Below is copy of Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child's primary school: a guide for parents.
Books included in PSHE Matters
Here is a list of the books we use to teach PSHE and SRE through PSHE Matters. There are some lovely books on this list! You may want to support your child's learning by looking at some of these together.
PSHE Matters Resource for Families
The PSHE Matters for Families leaflets provide fun and interesting activities for families to learn more about topics such as mental health, dealing with change and forming positive relationships.
The leaflets were developed to enhance the PSHE Curriculum that primary schools currently deliver. The theme of the leaflets supports the 12 different modules that feature in the resource: ‘PSHE Matters a Curriculum for Primary Schools.’