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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.





‘Sometimes real life superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.’


At Ambergate Primary School, we celebrate all our fabulous differences and uniqueness and strive to ensure all children are able to achieve the high aspirations, they, we and their families hold. We recognise and value the special qualities each individual child brings to our school – that is what makes Ambergate fabulous. Inclusion is the heartbeat of Ambergate Primary School.


‘Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice but belonging is having that voice be heard.’


Through quality first teaching, bespoke planning and the delivery of targeted support work, we aim to enable all children, no matter what specific education need or disability they may have, to achieve their goals. Our values, which are embedded in all aspects of school life, help to develop empathy and an understanding of the differing needs of each member of our school community. These same values help grow and guide children to embrace each other’s differences and support each other in and out of school. At Ambergate we are passionate about supporting students to develop the skills needed to contribute to and challenge to world around them.


Ambergate Primary School believe in providing a welcoming, comfortable, inclusive and accessible environment that is safe and easy to use for pupils, their parents and carers, staff and other visitors and users of the premises. Our school facilities are designed to support all children regardless of need and aim to create an inclusive and accessible learning environment for everyone. Access is considered a critical part of providing the curriculum and all our information resources.


We pride ourselves in enabling all children to access a rich curriculum experience including uncovering and discovering new things about both themselves and the world around them. Each of these experiences help to develop life skills for all our children, no matter what their needs may be. Our student’s voices guide our practice and planning and ensures the curriculum our children receive is individual to them and their interests.  Using our shared values, we aim to develop a generation of children who see no barriers to their achievements and will not let anything hold them back.


The SENDCo at AGPS is Mrs Brooks. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school on 01773 852204 to arrange an appointment with Mrs Brooks (SENDCo). Alternatively, email:


If you would like more information, CPLD, support or resources linked to different areas of SEND, please feel free to visit our Ambergate SEND Essentials: A to Z. Our padlet site also keeps you updated with news and information relating to SEND at Ambergate Primary School. If you would like to learn even more about how we support students with SEND at Ambergate Primary School use the padlet link below.


Ambergate SEND Essentials: The A to Z (


Derbyshire Local Offer for SEND


The Local Offer brings together information about the full range of services and support for children, young people and adults with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families from 0 -25. The website address is

