Welcome to our website. We hope that you enjoy exploring the site. If you need any further information, please contact us.
At Ambergate Primary School we have a dress code which is as follows:-
Plain sweatshirts * – Red or Navy
Plain polo shirts – White, Red or Navy
Plain trousers, skirts, pinafores, shorts – Grey, Black or Navy
Checked or plain dress (Summer) – Red or blue
Plain socks/tights
Black school shoes
PE Kit
A plain white t-shirt
Plain black or blue shorts (or black leggings)
Plimsolls or trainers.
We will be outside for PE as much as possible. If the weather is cold, children may wear plain jogging bottoms and a jumper. Plimsolls are essential for indoor P.E. as trainers are not sensitive enough and can be dangerous.
Clothing embossed with the school logo can be found at https://loopwear.co.uk/find-your-school/ambergate-primary-school . This supplier was formally children's Choice of Belper.
Branded uniform is optional. Plain, unbranded uniform is completely acceptable.
We request that all school clothing (indoor and outdoor) be clearly labelled with the child’s name. In the winter it also helps if children have a peg to clip together wellingtons, sorting 30 pairs of identical un-named wellingtons can be very time-consuming!
We have steps to one side of our building and a slope at the other so it is very important that children wear sensible, black footwear, with flat heels.
Decorative Items
Such items are best kept for out of school wear. Accidents can happen and items can be damaged or lost. The wearing of jewellery can be an unnecessary burden to the child and the teacher. Wristwatches can be worn but these are the responsibility of the child.
In line with the Physical Education Adviser’s Guidelines, we request that earrings, including sleepers, are not worn on P.E. days. Experiences throughout the County indicate that the wearing of earrings in PE lessons can result in very nasty accidents.
Lost Property
If your child misplaces any items of clothing then please look through the lost property box. The box is situated in the art area between Class 2 and 3.