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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.




We strive continually at the school to provide learning of the highest quality, which is rooted in a rich curriculum, enabling all pupils to experience a breadth of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. By recognising our own school’s context and nurturing each child’s individual talents, pupils at Ambergate will receive memorable, lifelong learning experiences. The breadth and rigour within our curriculum ensures that all children are able to Achieve, Believe, and Create. 

 Since September 2020, we have been implementing a new approach to our curriculum. During the Autumn Term, the whole school will be Historians and each class will have their own History topic. During the Spring Term, the whole school will be Geographers and each class will have their own Geography topic. During the Summer Term, the whole school will be artists and designers and each class will have their own creative topic. Science continues to be taught weekly throughout the year. Our morning structure continues to consist of Maths, English, Guided Reading and Phonics.


We want our curriculum to be:



Thought provoking






Full of opportunities


So that our children will be:

Creative thinkers

Citizens of the world

Confident to express their thoughts and opinions

Involved and enthusiastic about their learning





Each topic has carefully chosen concepts, which will encourage the children to think more deeply about the world around them. The concepts will be used as a thread across the different subject areas and will be subject of class discussions and debates.


All our classes are mixed aged. Classes 1 and 2 have a two year planning cycle and Class 3 has a three year planning cycle. Each topic is introduced by big question that generates discussion.


Knowledge is at the heart of the curriculum. We have produced knowledge organisers with key facts, concepts and vocabulary that the children will learn during the topic. These will be used at the end of the topic as an assessment tool to ascertain how much knowledge has been retained. The knowledge organisers will also be used by the next teacher to make links to prior knowledge.


We have produced progression grids for each subject area to ensure the specific skills are taught with the knowledge. We use these to aid our planning so that children’s knowledge and skills build over time.

Concept Overview

Topic Overviews

Subject Information

Further Details:

Please contact the school office should you require any further information about our curriculum.

Outdoor Learning
