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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.





In this section, you will find information on how we aim to keep your child safe and how you can help at home.


Safeguarding your children


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C Howell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L Brooks

Safeguarding and Equality Governor: Mrs S Bailey

 Tel: 01773 852204 


 If neither Mrs Howell or Mrs Brooks are on site, you can telephone 

Mrs S Core (Headteacher at Herbert Strutt Primary) to discuss your concern: 

01773 822771


Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website 

Look at the safeguarding page for more information


You may find the following documents useful:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Low Level Concern Policy


Documentation from the Department of Education:-

What to do if a child is being abused


Keeping children safe in education (September 2023)

Working together to safeguard children

Regulated activity in relation to children


In addition to the child protection service of Call Derbyshire, you can contact Starting Point with help and advice regarding concerns


The Local Authority also produces a flowchart to help schools determine the appropriate actions should they become aware of safeguarding issues.  The flowchart can be accessed via the link: LADO Flowchart.


Another key area of safeguarding is the Prevent Duty strategy, aimed at preventing extremism and radicalisation.  The headteacher and all staff have been trained in the statutory duty.


The statutory guidance can be found by clicking the link below:

The Prevent Duty: a guide for schools 

Staying Safe Online

Staying safe online is more important than ever for our children.


Please visit our esafety page to find out about our i-vengers programme and for further resources and information about keeping safe online. 


You child may have recently received a new device that can allow them access to the internet, so we have 12 tips for using it safely. Please download the word document please and refer to it throughout the year as a means of keeping your children and yourselves safe online.

Early Help

Ambergate Primary School works to provide Early Help to families in the school community.  Early Help services aim to both provide advice and/or intervene where there is evidence of emerging needs with the objective of preventing escalation to higher level services. We work alongside a variety of agencies and are providing support through the school setting.


What is Early Help? Information for Parents


Request for Early Help can be made by speaking to a member of staff, through the school office or by following the links below.


Amber Valley Borough Council




Safe and Sound- fighting CSE






Mental Health- Children


Mental Health - Adults


Talking Mental Health


Mental Health Support Service for children and young people in Derby and Derbyshire
