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Home Page

Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.


Who's Who

The headteacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator can be contacted via the school telephone (01773 852204).


Mrs Howell (Safeguarding Lead, Assessment, Geography, History, PE and RSE Coordinator)


Business Assistant 

Mrs Horsman 



Mrs Elstob - Class 1 (EYFS Lead and Phonics Coordinator)

Mrs Brooks - Class 2 (SENDCo, Senior Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mr Betterton - Year 3/4 mornings & Class 3 afternoons

Mr Allen - Class 3 mornings (English, Music, RE and Computing Coordinator)


Other Teaching Staff

Mr Younger - PE teacher 

Mr Thomas - PE teacher


Teaching Assistants 

Miss Hall - Class 1 & Class 2 (HLTA and Forest School Practitioner)

Mrs Radage- Class 2

Mr Robinson - Class 3 (HLTA)

Miss Julian -  Class 3 

Mrs Baker - Class 2

Mrs Robertson - Class 3

Ms Fantom - Class 1

Mrs Stevens - Class 1


Midday Supervisors 

Miss Julian

Mr Robinson

Mrs Radage 

Mrs Baker


Facilities Manager

Spotlight Cleaning Services Limited

