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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.



We operate an open door policy and encourage parents to speak to their child’s class teacher or a member of the admin team or the Headteacher if they have a query or concern in the first instance. However, we recognise that speaking face to face is not always possible and there are a variety of communication methods available to enable a two-way flow of information between the school and parents/carers. A list of the main forms of communication can be found below:


Face-to-Face in the morning or after school — You are able to discuss any concerns with your class teacher, the headteacher or the office manager. If required, a more suitable time to discuss the concern can be arranged.


Dojo - All children from reception to year 6 are given a Dojo account. This should be used to support communication between home and school. Parents can use the Dojo app to write notes to class teachers. In addition, Dojo will be used to inform parents of day to day classroom news, such as awards, hard work, letters, curriculum content and equipment requirements.


Text Message – Short, whole school messages will be sent via the text messaging service. This service will also be used to provide a link to the monthly newsletter.



Telephone— If you need to pass on a more sensitive or urgent message please call the main school number on 01773 852204.


Website – Our website is the best place to find the most up to date information about all aspects of school life.



Permission Letters – Paper copies will be handed out for sports competitions, sports clubs and school trips and residential trips. For such events we need written permission.


Newsletters – All newsletters will be posted on the school website at the beginning of each month. This provides key information relating to school activities and current affairs. Please make sure you read all school letters and newsletters so that you are aware of what is happening in school. A text link will be sent out in the first week of each month to inform you that the latest newsletter has been uploaded.


Parents Evenings and School Reports – In the Autumn and Spring term you will have a formal opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s progress. In the summer term, you will receive a written school report.


Parental Questionnaires and Forums – In addition to the annual parental questionnaire, there are opportunities across the school year to take part in parent forums and/or questionnaires relating to specific school issues.


Finally - The best email address to send correspondence to is: Your message will be checked within 24 hours (term time weekdays only) and will be sent on to the relevant staff member to deal with. Please remember class teachers do not often have access to their email accounts during the school day. If the issue is urgent please call the school and speak to a member of staff.
