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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.


Class 2 Page

Welcome to Class 2 smiley

This year Mrs Brooks will be teaching Class 2 and Mrs Radage will be supporting her in the afternoons. This term we are Historians; our first topic is The Ancient Egyptians. Please see attached our termly newsletter which explains our journey this term. 





Class 2 Newsletters

Creswell Crags - What an amazing day!

Summer term is all about Art and Design! Here's our knowledge organiser.

DT Week

During Spring term, we held a Design and Technology week. Class 2 explored food packaging. First, we investigated real-life packaging, 3D shape nets, different methods of strengthening materials and graphics. Next, we designed and made some packaging to hold a product aimed at an age range of our choosing. Finally, we evaluated our packaging to see if we met our design brief. Our packaging was creative and inventive! 


Class 2 have been writing non-chronological reports in our writing lessons. Each child invented a new species of of animal to write about. We thought about what our animal looks like, what it eats and where it lives. All of the children worked really hard and produced the best piece of writing so far this year! We all felt very proud!


English hook - The Magic Box by Kit Wright

Two weeks ago an old box arrived in our classroom.  It had a sign saying 'DO NOT OPEN' and it was screwed shut.  We discovered a poem called 'The Magic Box' with it.  We enjoyed the poem and explored the noun phrases and alliteration. Today we opened the box and found beautiful, rainbow coloured origami boxes filled with chocolate eggs.  What a fabulous surprize!

Class 2's Survey

Class 2 created an online survey about Ambergate to find out how the community feel about the village.  Please follow the link below to see their findings.


After seeing the results, the children decided to make posters and leaflets to raise awareness about parking appropriately around the village.  Some children have written to the local council and the police to ask for their help with this issue too.  In a few weeks, the children in Class 2 would like to repeat their survey to see if their posters have had an impact.



Parking Posters

Anti-bullying Week 2021 - One Kind Word


As part of anti-bullying week the children in Class 2 thought carefully about how it feels when someone is kind to them.  They then created a word cloud.  Here it is.

The children then collaboratively created their own anti-bullying policy.  

Portal Stories by Class 2

Transition Booklet - Class 2

Long Term Planning

Recommended Reads

Below are two files packed with brilliant books for children to read. Whilst we may not have several copies of every book in school, we have put together this list as a place for both children and parents to go when they need a little help finding that next guaranteed-to-be-awesome read. I promised that you can’t go wrong by choosing any. There is also a checklist which you can print and keep track of how many you have read. Happy reading!
