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Ambergate Primary School Achieve, Believe, Create.


Behaviour Policy

The Governors of Ambergate Primary School have produced the following set of principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measure to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils.


Adopted: April 2024 

Next review: April 2025


  • All aspects of behaviour management and discipline are built on the foundations of the values of the school, including the teaching of British values.
  • Pupils will be given clearly communicated expectations and boundaries that are consistently applied across the school by all adults
  • The school will positively reinforce good behavior through praise and behavioural programmes in accordance with the behavior policy
  • Adults will adhere to the school’s values including having high levels of respect for children and each other
  • Behaviour in all contexts will be managed using a positive approach in order to maintain personal dignity and promote integrity, honesty and trust
  • Procedures for behaviour management and discipline will be set out in the school’s Behaviour Management Policy and this will be followed as appropriate to the needs of the individual child, the immediate situation, the context of learning and the prevailing circumstances
  • Strategies used for behaviour management and discipline will take into consideration the intended outcomes of the chosen strategy and the possible impact of the chosen strategy
  • All adults are expected to promote and present high levels of respect and regard for pupils and adults, thereby being role models for pupils including by:
    • Using polite, warm greetings and respectful conversations
    • Moving around the school with consideration for others
    • Maintaining the tidiness and organization of the school environment
    • Listening respectfully
    • Including pupils as equal partners in the life and ethos of the school

The school’s behaviour principles will incorporate an approach to promote pupils development of effective learning behaviours.

Any concerns regarding the implementation of this statement should be referred to the Headteacher.

These principles will be reviewed by the Governing Body annually.
