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Our Core Principles
At Ambergate Primary School we have Seven Core Principles, which guide us in all we do and enable us to achieve our vision:
Be Honest
We always tell the truth. We can be trusted to be honest, to say what we mean and to do what we say.
Be Caring
We care for others, do good things that benefit others and remember that the world does not exist for us alone.
Be Determined
We always work hard to be the best that we can be in all aspects of our lives.
Be Respectful
We always respect others, even if their beliefs and opinions are very different to our own. We consider other people’s feelings in everything that we do.
Be Humble
We try to be the best we can be without showing off and we encourage others to be the best they can be, without criticising their efforts.
Be Responsible
We accept responsibility for what we say, what we think and what we do.
Be Brave
We do the right thing, even when it is hard. We stand up for what is right and we help each other to overcome our fears.
Behaviour Principles
The Governors of Ambergate Primary School have produced the following set of principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measure to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils.
The school’s behaviour principles will incorporate an approach to promote pupils development of effective learning behaviours.
Any concerns regarding the implementation of this statement should be referred to the Headteacher. These principles will be reviewed by the Governing Body annually.
Please refer to the policy section of this website for review dates.